Saturday, November 13, 2010

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Why cloth diapers in hospitals is so important:

This blog is dedicated to getting hospitals to use cloth diapers! There are so many great reasons why they should, but today I want to tell you about the top 3 reasons!

  • Cloth Diapers are better for babies!
  • Cloth Diapers are good for the environment.
  • Cloth diapers are economically sound!

How could disposable diapers be bad for my baby?

1.Disposable diapers release volatile organic compounds. They have toxic health effects on the baby, such as cancer or brain damage in some cases. There is even a possible link between diaper emissions and asthma.

2.The main absorbent filler in disposable diapers is sodium polyacrylate. This chemical can cause respiratory problems as well as skin problems.

3.Almost all disposable diapers are bleached white with chlorine. They also have trace amounts of a highly carcinogen byproduct of chlorine bleaching called dioxin.

4.Disposable diapers also have quaternary ammonium biocides and ole-amide and we still do not know the effects it has on humans!

You can find more of the health concerns at the Real Diaper Association.

Disposable Diapers have a pretty big affect on our environment!

Did you know that in the first year of life those cute little babies of ours would use about 2800 disposable diapers! That is a lot of diapers! Did I mention that they don't decompose and they say "if" they do it can take about 300 years?

One baby will produce 1 ton of trash over 1 year when using disposable diapers and most are in them for at least 2 years!

If you have ever read the fine print on the boxes or bags of diapers it will tell you that you are to discard any feces before disposing. Have you ever seen someone do this? I sure haven't! So we have billions of diapers with feces filling up our landfills. How sanitary!

"Over 300 pounds of wood, 50 pounds of petroleum feedstocks and 20 pounds of chlorine are used to produce disposable diapers for one baby EACH YEAR." - Real Diaper Association

The EPA says that each year there is a total of 3.4 million tons of disposable diapers going into our landfills.

Having a hard time in this economy?

Think about how much you could save with cloth!! In one year you could spend an average of $700! You can ask any mama out there who uses cloth and they will tell you about the savings! Knowing that you don't have to buy diapers every paycheck is a great feeling!

There are so many reasons why using cloth diapers is important, not only for your baby but your wallet and the environment!

Why is using cloth diapering in hospitals important to you?

Sites in which facts were found:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Choices of a parent!

Mamas of more than one child, please use your youngest!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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Introducing Cloth Mama

HEY Everyone! I am so honored to be the new blog host for you all! This is a great organization and I support it 100%! I am Cloth Mama and today I am going to share with you why I am passionate about cloth diapers!

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I didn't know ANYTHING about cloth diapering. I had never heard of anything but the Gerber prefolds in Wal-Mart and didn't know how in the world that would make a diaper! My daughter had always worn Huggies and then one day in March we received a Pampers Dry Max in the mail.. I decided to try one out.. why not?

I'll tell you why not, within one hour I noticed she was looking red around the diaper. I took the diaper off to find that she was bleeding and had welts all over her private areas. It was awful! I immediately called Pampers asking what was in the diaper, stating "She must be allergic or something, I need to know what did it" after hours on the phone and no answers other than "It is not necessary to give you that information"!

We called my Little Lady's doctor and he said we should use cloth until she healed so that there were no chemicals on her body. He then told me about the Gerber ones at Wal-Mart. Since, that was still the only option I was aware of we went and bought some and put them inside of bloomers from all her dresses.
The next day, after many and many leaks all over the house, I contacted an old friend who had found me on Facebook and told me about how they had this issue and were using the new modern cloth diapers! I went to Little Squigglers to find me some and since that day, I haven't looked back! Disposables are now a thing of the past and I pray that I can make it that way for everyone!

When I first switched it was a little overwhelming but I quickly caught on and it became something I was very passionate about. I absolutely love to cloth diaper. I want to get the word out to every mom, mom to be, grandma, and everyone else! I feel very strongly about getting hospitals to switch to cloth diapers. I also want to make sure all OB's, Mid Wives, and Doula are educating their mamas about cloth, even if just through pamphlets.

Why are you passionate about cloth diapers? Share your story with us!
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Getting the ball rolling

So we had an amazing start didn't we? The giveaway was huge and we did so much good. Now we need to continue. I am sorry that I have not been more diligent about this, but we have had a wild couple months. My family moved to a different state, and we lived (with 6 kidlets) in a one bedroom apartment for 2 months. We are finally in our house and trying to get settled.
In the meantime, I have been brainstorming on ways to get this functioning better.
So I have a few announcements:

#1- You know that we try to work hand in hand with the RDA . . . well I am sorry about the short notice, but they are having an amazing photo contest! I posted this on facebook too.
This ends tonight though! (11/3) so HURRY!!!

#2- You can now buy some products that will benefit our organization. We are working on getting an official organization started.... a nonprofit one. So please know that all the money made from these products will go to help fund our organization.
We will hopefully be adding more products, and as we do we will list them here. We get 15% of the price you pay.

#3- We have a new blog author! I am super excited! She is very passionate about cloth diapers and getting them in hospitals. I am hoping her excitement and passion can influence us to act. :) She is definitely a "Cloth Mama"!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

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Were do we go from HERE?

So, now that the giveaway is over what do you as followers want to see happen on this blog?  This is a blog for all of us.  I want some input on what to do now!  should we have a page where we can list all the hospitals that we have contacted?  Should we start making a list of the excuses they use and see if we can solve those?  What are you thinking?  
I would love some input!  

So I say let's go FORWARD with this movement!

ps... looking for the winner?  go HERE
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Who won?

WOW!  We are totally overwhelmed by the amount of support we have gotten!  
So our winner of the amazing products is..... drumroll please!  

Tiffany: she contacted tons of hospitals and earned a whopping 4151 points
Some other time... when it isn't WAY past my bed-time (LOL!) I will count how many hospitals she contacted!  

Really this was amazing!  I hope that we can continue doing this.  I REALLY appreciate the amazing sponsors too!  


Friday, April 30, 2010

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Last day to enter!

This is the last day... Have you entered?  Did you tak the time to call a few Hospitals and ask if they use cloth?  Did you try to make the world a little greener?

Leaving this open until Midnight Pacific Time!  

A HUGE thanks to our amazing sponsors for their support and donations.  

So, where will we go from here?  I would like to think that this blog and the FB page would continue to grow.  I know that there are lots of hospitals that have been contacted.  There will be follow ups and information to be shared.  I really hope you are all excited about this and the movement will continue on.  
Happy diapering,